Indiana’s Educator Standards for Blended and Online Learning define the knowledge, skills, and dispositions teachers need to be effective instructors in blended and online learning environments. Click a category title to view/hide the specific standards for that category. To see the learning resources for a given standard, visit the Home or Library pages.
Instructors have a broad understanding of the continuum of learning environments, understand the pedagogical shifts necessary when moving between multiple environments, and demonstrate the ability to establish highly interactive, collaborative, productive, inclusive and safe online and blended learning environments. Instructors in online and blended learning environments do the following:
1.1 | Apply knowledge of the continuum of learning environments (e.g., face-to-face, blended, online), and adapt learning experiences and instruction to each environment. |
1.2 | Establish communication procedures for maintaining a consistent presence (e.g., welcome calls and emails, webinars, blog postings, office hours, text messages), facilitate class discussions (e.g., videoconferencing, discussion forum, co-creation etc.), and establish procedures for connecting with the instructor. |
1.3 | Establish, facilitate, and monitor student-student collaboration that are goal-oriented, focused, project-based, and/or inquiry-based.(e.g.,co-creation). |
1.4 | Develop and implement course management plans (e.g., tracking student enrollments, communication logs, attendance records), implement a plan for students to access course materials, and develop a supportive learning environment. |
1.5 | Design learning environments (e.g., synchronous and/or asynchronous) that demonstrate an understanding of diversity in learning and apply knowledge of culturally responsive practices to communicate effectively. |
Instructors have a broad understanding of instructional planning and delivery in online and blended learning environments and demonstrate the ability to deliver individualized instruction that creates rich and meaningful learning experiences, makes effective use of online resources, and helps all students achieve learning goals. Instructors in online and blended learning environments do the following:
2.1 | Utilize strategies for engaging all students, including those who are struggling. (e.g., creating a relationship of trust; using a range of communication methods; supporting independence, creativity, and collaboration; encouraging active participation). |
2.2 | Implement strategies for students’ motivation by facilitating students’ progress, helping students manage time and work space, promoting learner interaction, and providing strong support to promote successful course completion. |
2.3 | Promote student independence and agency by encouraging students to define learning goals, monitor their progress, and share their perceptions of how they are learning, and create opportunities for student self-assessment. |
3.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of the similarities and differences in designing instruction across the continuum of learning environments (e.g., face-to-face, blended, and online). |
3.2 | Create student-centered learning experiences by implementing culturally responsive, research-based instructional design strategies and best practices (e.g., course site, calendar, modules, synchronous and asynchronous activities, discussion boards). |
3.3 | Implement strategies for designing online and blended courses (e.g., assessing student needs and resources; developing or modifying a clear, specific online syllabus; using online resources effectively; establishing appropriate milestones and deadlines). |
3.4 | Apply knowledge of culturally responsive instructional approaches that are appropriate for online and blended instruction; facilitate learning experiences that encourage communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking; and apply current best practices. |
3.5 | Design and implement activities and assignments (e.g., lessons, discussions, labs, simulations, individual and group projects) that are interactive; integrate digital media, online content, and offline resources; provide multiple paths for learning experiences; and promote independent learning and collaboration. |
3.6 | Apply knowledge of learning management systems (LMSs), productivity software (e.g., word processors, Web browsers, presentation software), and digital resources, and use these tools in planning, developing, managing, and delivering instruction. |
Instructors have a broad understanding of online assessment practices and demonstrate the ability to use a variety of online assessments to monitor student progress and guide instruction in online and blended courses. Instructors in online and blended learning environments do the following:
4.1 | Create iterative and interactive feedback strategies to provide students and families with timely, specific, constructive, and personalized responses using a variety of methods and communication tools. |
4.2 | Monitor student progress and course effectiveness, including the interpretation and appropriate use of observational data in online and blended courses (e.g., tracking data, time on task, e-mail); providing timely and effective feedback and communication; and modifying instruction to meet student needs. |
4.3 | Utilize fundamental concepts related to assessment, including ongoing evaluation, formative and summative assessments, alignment of assessment to student learning outcomes/goals, and opportunities for self-reflection or assessment of teaching effectiveness (e.g., peer reviews, teacher evaluations). |
4.4 | Provide students with opportunities to demonstrate understanding and acquired knowledge and skills by using tools for authentic and performance-based assessment (e.g., written assignments, simulation and games, individual and collaborative projects, portfolios). |
4.5 | Implement online assessments that ensure data integrity, validity, reliability, and the security of student data. |
Instructors have a broad understanding of the diversity of students in online and blended environments and demonstratethe ability to provide instruction that is responsive to student differences and that promotes active learning for all students. Instructors in online and blended environments do the following:
5.1 | Identify types of student diversity (e.g., cultural, economic, and linguistic background; gender; religion; family structure; exceptionalities) and identify student needs in order to promote learning, collaboration, and interaction for all students. |
5.2 | Determine appropriate strategies for individualizing instruction to meet students’ diverse abilities and needs. |
5.3 | Describe digital equity issues and implement strategies for accommodating students with differing levels of access to technology resources (e.g., high-speed Internet, desktop and laptop computers, communication tools). |
5.4 | Apply knowledge of the principles of universal design for learning (UDL) and adaptive and assistive technologies and use appropriate tools and technologies to support effective instruction in support of diverse student populations, including students with exceptionalities and English Learners. |
Instructors have a broad understanding of instructional planning and delivery in online and blended learning environments and demonstrate the ability to deliver individualized instruction that creates rich and meaningful learning experiences, makes effective use of online resources, and helps all students achieve learning goals. Instructors in online and blended learning environments do the following:
6.1 | Implement culturally responsive and evidence-based best practices related to online and blended learning and continuously investigate and innovate with emerging technologies. |
6.2 | Identify current technologies (e.g., hardware, software, and communication tools) and utilize these technologies in planning and facilitating online and blended learning, as well as interacting with students, parents, guardians, and other stakeholders. |
6.3 | Incorporate digital tools to design and facilitate collaborative learning opportunities for students. |
6.4 | Apply basic troubleshooting skills, provide basic technical support to students and parents/guardians, and forward technical issues to support teams as appropriate. |
7.1 | Model and promote digital citizenship and digital literacy; convey expectations for students to understand copyright laws, intellectual property policies, and fair use standards; and educate students about cybersecurity and cyberbullying. |
7.2 | Establish and effectively communicate clear expectations for academic integrity, identify risks for academic dishonesty in online and blended learning environments, and utilize strategies for recognizing the authenticity of student work and intervening in incidents of academic dishonesty. |
7.3 | Apply state and federal privacy standards (e.g., the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act [FERPA]) and utilize strategies to effectively communicate privacy rules to students and family members. |
7.4 | Demonstrate information literacy skills (e.g., defining inquiry, evaluating sources of information, synthesizing information from multiple sources) and use this knowledge to prepare students for participation in the global community. |
Instructors have a broad understanding of their professional environment and demonstrate the ability to collaborate with others, model digital citizenship, follow legal and ethical guidelines specific to online and blended learning environments, and engage in continuous professional growth. Instructors in online and blended learning environments do the following:
8.1 | Create safe, supportive, and inclusive learning environments (e.g., setting expectations for student-instructor interaction, student-student interaction, and student-content interaction) and establish and maintain instructor response times. |
8.2 | Establish and maintain ongoing, frequent, and professional partnerships with various stakeholders (e.g.,with parents/guardians, mentors, learning coaches, and local school contacts) involved in students’ success. |
8.3 | Establish and maintain a professional work environment; develop skills to digitally collaborate with colleagues and other adults; and establish a professional work routine and effectively manage essential tasks. |
8.4 | Engage in ongoing professional learning activities appropriate for instructors who teach in online and blended environments, including technological pedagogical knowledge and current practices, and participate in an ongoing professional development cycle (eg.,targeting digital teaching and learning). |