Canvas is a Learning Management System (LMS) which provides an online environment for teachers to administer and manage blended and online learning. This web-based tool is compatible with phones, tablets, and laptops, allowing for learning mobility and flexibility. Teachers can organize and manage class materials and student assessments, track student activities, and create a collaborative community for students to interact and learn from one another. Additionally, Canvas provides a medium through which teachers, students, and parents can communicate about classes and student progress.
Canvas has a User Details feature which helps teachers and students track student activity and performance within the course. Data on student activity and performance include how often students log in, how long students are logged in, how often observers (parents/guardians) log in, and how often students and teachers are absent or present. Information on student activity and performance can be used by teachers for identifying possible interventions to undertake to improve performance.
Teacher-Student CommunicationWhen teachers want to communicate with students, the Announcements, Messaging, and BigBlueButton features can be used. The Announcements feature allows students to access information from teachers through the Canvas platform. With Messaging, students receive information from teachers through Canvas’s built-in email feature. BigBlueButton is Canvas’s video conferencing feature that can be used to have synchronous video conversations or meetings. To receive all course-related information from teachers in a timely manner, it is important for students to understand how to adjust the Notifications’s settings to receive notice of communication through Canvas.
Family Engagement/Parental MonitoringThe observer account on Canvas gives parents/guardians the ability to monitor communication between students and teachers, and the activity and performance of their children. Data on student activity and performance includes assignment submissions, teachers’ feedback, grades, and other class-related content. The data provides information to parents/guardians about the progress of their student and the steps to take to help their student succeed academically.
Instructional ContentTeachers can organize their instructional materials or content, such as videos, documents, slides, charts, and cartoons through Canvas’s Modules feature.
DifferentiationCanvas supports differentiation, as teachers can set up different assignment availability dates and due dates. This is beneficial for students who receive extended time to complete quizzes, assignments, discussions, and other assessments.
Creativity and InnovationUsing the Discussions and Collaborations functions on Canvas, teachers can encourage creativity and innovation by having students brainstorm and develop ideas together, and present their work through multiple means.
AssessmentOnce class materials have been shared with students, students can complete formative and summative assessments through the Assignments and Quizzes features. Students can view grading rubrics, feedback, and final scores through the Grades feature.
Canvas can be accessed for free or through licensed subscriptions. Licensed subscriptions, purchased by schools or school districts, allow teachers and administrators access to support services and other features included in paid subscription plans. Most school districts require teachers to use a LMS which has already been determined. However, for any teachers needing to familiarize themselves with Canvas, they can create a Free-for-Teacher account to explore the learning management features Canvas provides.
Canvas is accessible to users through phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop devices. This web-based tool is compatible with Android, IOS, and Windows. Supported browsers include Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Respondus Lockdown. Parents/guardians are granted the option of monitoring their student’s learning through an Observer account. Through an observer account, parents/guardians can leverage Canvas’s notifications feature to stay up-to-date with their student’s engagement in learning.
Canvas’s parent company, Instructure, is committed to five key information privacy management principles: transparency, accountability, integrity, security, and confidentiality. Information shared with Canvas is only accessible by teachers, approved school staff, and approved parents/guardians in effort to support Instructure’s mission of protecting information and supporting students and educational institutions.